Industry Updates News, Articles

Dollars for green cards: EB-5 program grants visas, even citizenship, to foreigners who invest in U.S.
August 31, 2015
How Las Vegas’ tourism and retail industries are chasing Chinese dollars
August 24, 2015
More than $3 Billion in Open Direct Job Projects Identified for the American Economy
August 21, 2015
EB-5 investor dollars are fueling development in SoCal, but the program is vulnerable to fraud
August 21, 2015
Immigration officials not doing enough to assess fraud in foreign investor visa program, GAO says
August 20, 2015
Vietnam doesn't grant overseas investment certificates to facilitate acquisition of green cards
August 19, 2015
More Latin Americans Investing in U.S. Businesses for Green Cards
August 19, 2015
Report: Feds Must Do More to Assess 'Wealthy Investor' Visa Fraud
August 18, 2015
Investor visas get ‘lipstick on pig’ treatment
August 18, 2015
Vietnam firms dodge law in transferring money for immigrant investor programs’ applicants
August 18, 2015
What Donald Trump Does Right
August 18, 2015
U.S. EB5 Investor Immigration Program: Does It Have A Future?
August 17, 2015
Services for immigration programs for investors booming in Vietnam
August 17, 2015
Reform, Reauthorization of EB-5 Investment Program Urged
August 17, 2015
GAO Looks at EB-5 And Doesn't Like What It Sees
August 13, 2015
Congress Has 12 Days to Address EB-5. Here's How It Could Play Out
August 13, 2015
Dozens of Fraud Investigations Target US Immigration Program for Rich Foreigners
August 12, 2015
EB-5 job creation requirements clarified as renewal approaches
August 12, 2015
EB-5 Regional Centers Naming Conventions
August 11, 2015
Green Valley Hospital- EB-5 Saving Lives
August 09, 2015

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