- Project Details
Your guide to basic project details like
- Project Name
- Project Image
- Investment Type
- Project Category
- Percentage of EB-5 Funds used in the project
- Investment Amount
- Total Job Creation
- Regional Center under which the project falls
- State
- Project Location
- Overall Funding Required ($ Million)
- Total EB-5 Funding Required ($ Million)
- Project Description
- Project Location Description
- Project Timeline
- The Team
Know the Team behind the EB-5 project
This section is your guide to the people and firms behind the EB-5 projects. We capture information from Attorneys to Economist, Fund Manager to Property Manager and every one else involved behind the scenes to work towards successful completion of the projects.
- Investment
This section gives you a detailed outlook on the EB-5 project and its investment details.
- Understand if the investment is either Reg. D or Reg. S?
- Understand if the Investment Structure is either Loan or Equity?
We also capture the below information for EB-5 projects:
- Total amount of estimated funding required for all phases of development(in Millions)?
- Number of planned phases (projects) in development?
- Expected time to complete this project or phase of overall development?
- Is this a new commercial enterprise or purchase of an existing troubled business?
- What ratio of equity to debt would best classify the source of overall funding for the project / development?
- What percentage of overall funding has been raised to date?
- Does the investor need to be accredited to invest?
- What are the expected financial returns for this project?
- On what premise are those projections made?
- Are returns paid on the investment prior to maturity?
- If Yes, when are they paid?
- Can you describe in more detail how returns are paid, and under what conditions? For instance, are they only paid if the project is positive cash flow or profitable. What expenses must be accounted for and paid prior to distributions are paid to investors?
- Can you please describe the expected exit strategy and what source(s) of debt or equity are expected to be used to repay the investor’s capital investment?
- Can you please describe the procedure for allowing the investor to sell his interest in the investment and who the buyer might be?
- What is the expected term of the investment?
- Can you describe what procedures are in place If the investor needs to liquidate his position before the contracted maturity date of the agreement, and what penalties may be imposed?
- How is the value of the investment, once the investment has been made, measured?
- Have these strategies been used by the Regional Center principals, or project managers in the past and what was the outcome?
- Have all of the permits and permissions for project development been obtained?
- Is there any patented intellectual property essential to this project?
- Are there any other notes or comments to make regarding this investment that would be important for the Investor to know?
- Fees
This section provides details on fees involved in EB-5 projects. We capture the following details to understand the project better.
- What is the fee for subscribing to the investment (Subscription Fee)?
- What is the Direct Subscription Fee (No Agent)?
- Do potential investors need to pay a fee to obtain the operating documents, PPM or other subscription documents?
- If Yes, Is that refundable in the event the investor decides not to invest?
- If so, what is that Document fee?
- Could you please describe the procedure for the return of any fees, or fees that are withheld?
- Could you please describe the procedure for return of escrow in the event of denial of the I-526 by USCIS?
- Does that include the processing of the I-526, I-829 or any other legal fees associated with the immigration application?
- What is required for escrow payment at the time of submission of the I-526?
- What is the policy for reimbursing the escrow payment in the event of denial?
- What fees do you pay to 'finders' or agents?
- If there is no finder or agent, would you reimburse that fee to the investor?
- What would be the procedure for reimbursing this fee?
- Do you pay finder’s fees to attorneys?
- Do you pay fees to unlicensed broker’s or agents?
- Risks
Understand the Risks involved in the EB-5 projects. We list numerous risks to identify red flags for a EB-5 investment.
- Can you please describe what conditions could occur in the market that would negatively affect profitability and commercial operations or job creation?
- What strategies are you employing to mitigate those risks?
- What strategies will be employed to maximize market share, profitability and minimize expenses; grow client base & gross margins?
- Can you please describe what conditions could occur that would negatively affect the ability to repay the investors?
- What strategies are you employing to mitigate those risks?
- Capital Structure
Understand how the regional center plan to fund their projects.
- Has the Principal invested their own equity in the project?
- What would best describe the investment structure of the project?
- Can you identify the terms and conditions of the offering, including the interest and repayment details?
- What will the funds be used for (ie. infrastructure development of existing military base, development of a film studio, etc)?
- Are financial statements or records available from the borrower?
- Is collateral on the investment or loan provided?
- If Yes, can you specify what the collateral is?
- What percentage of the investment will be made by the General Partners, Regional Center or Project Principals?
- What would best describe the Principal's oversight of the project?
- If other, or a combination, can you provide details on who is overseeing the capital investment, job creation and ongoing operations?
Also find the details of expected and committed sources of Capital, including information like
- Type
- Equity/Debt
- Name of Financial Institution
- Amount
- Terms for the equity/debt
- EB-5 details
Understand the details of your EB-5 investments
- Is this a loan?
- If the investment into the project is a loan, who is the borrower?
- Does this project have approved I-526's?
- Does this project have approved I-829's?
- Does this Regional Center have approved I-526's?
- Does this Regional Center have approved I-829's?
- How many previous projects have been completed within this Regional Center?
- Is any of the subscription fee refundable in the event of a denial of the I-526 by USCIS?
- Amount of EB-5 investors anticipated for this phase?
- What percentage of overall funding is expected to be sourced from EB-5 investors?
- Are non EB-5 investor’s allowed to participate?
- If so, what is the expected ratio of EB-5 to non EB-5 investors expected to be?
- Can you please explain if EB-5 and non EB-5 investors treated equally in the distribution of dividends and profits?
- Under what circumstance(s) would EB-5 investors be expected to contribute additional capital to the partnership or the project?
- Job Creation
Job Creation is the most important aspect of EB-5 visa. Understand the below details of job creation for the EB-5 projects.
- Is Regional Center located within a Targeted Employment Area (TEA)?
- Is this a Public / Private partnership?
- Job creation methodology
- Does the job creation rely on direct jobs, capital expenditure, or a combination?
- How many jobs are expected to be created in total? (Direct)
- How many jobs are expected to be created in total? (Indirect & Induced)
- How many jobs are expected to be created in per investor? (Direct)
- How many jobs are expected to be created in per investor? (Indirect & Induced)
- How are jobs allocated to the pool of investors?
- Can you describe the job creation model? For instance, is it based on capital injection, or on a direct job creation and indirect job multiplier, or other?""
- Can you please describe what role a Public sector entity or government body has, if any, in overseeing has in overseeing the commercial operation, the accounting or tracking of the job creation, funding, issuing bonds, or any other investment or audit role that they might perform?
- Reporting
Periodic reports help stakeholders keep abreast of latest development of the EB-5 projects. We capture following information under this category.
- Do you offer periodic reports to investors on the status of the investment?
- If so, what is the frequency of these reports?
- Are these reports produced by you, or by an independent third party such as a auditing or accounting firm?
- If performed by a third party firm, can you please provide details of the scope of the audit and what the report released entails?
- Do you have a third party firm that performs employee payroll & HR record keeping services for the project?
- If Yes, can you provide the name of that firm?
- Do you have a third party firm that performs I-9 verification?
- If Yes, can you provide the name of that firm?
- If No, do you perform I-9 verification of the employees?
- Would you have any objection to an accounting or law firm performing an audit on the payroll, employment or financial records of the project?
- If Yes, could you explain why you would have an objection?
- If No, could you please describe what notice you would require as well as any procedures that would need to be followed for performing the audit?
- If you lease space in your facility to third party firms, are they willing to allow an audit of their employment records for the purposes of verifying employment?
- If Yes, could you describe what notice you or they would require as well as any procedures that would need to be followed for performing the audit?
- If No, could you please describe the reasons why?
- Documents
This section gives clients access to documents, media reports, videos, picture gallery etc relevant to the EB-5 project
- Escrow
This section provides information on Escrow details of the project
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This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell shares or securities. Any such offer or solicitation will be made only by means of an investment's confidential Offering Memorandum and in accordance with the terms of all applicable securities and other laws. This website does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, any offer for sale or subscription of, or any invitation to offer to buy or subscribe for, any securities, nor should it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied on in any connection with, any contract or commitment whatsoever. LLC and its affiliates expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from: (i) reliance on any information contained in the website, (ii) any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information or (iii) any action resulting therefrom.