Project Updates

Miami Judge OKs Sale Of Jay Peak Condo Today
April 29, 2016
New Burke Managers Say It’s All Good
April 29, 2016
Jay Peak And Burke Have The Money To Stay Viable 'For Foreseeable Future'
April 29, 2016
Court unfreezes portion of Quiros' assets
April 28, 2016
Stalled Park Lane Hotel condo conversion gets new backer
April 28, 2016
Florida EB-5 Regional Center Sponsored Spoleto/My Italian Kitchen, Named One of Best South American Fast Casual Dining Restaurants Headed to the US
April 28, 2016
Stalled Central Park South Supertall May Move Forward With New Backer
April 28, 2016
Did a major Chinese investment just revive Witkoff’s Park Lane condo plans?
April 28, 2016
‘Business as usual’ at Jay Peak as receiver gets to work
April 27, 2016
Jay Peak to Remain Open Amid Fraud Scandal
April 27, 2016
The federal receiver appointed to oversee two Vermont ski resorts amid fraud allegations says he's secured enough money to keep Jay Peak open
April 27, 2016
McQuiston: Making The Best Of It
April 27, 2016
After $200M+ in Fraud Allegations, what's Next for Vt. Ski Resorts?
April 27, 2016
Goldberg: Jay Peak financials dire
April 26, 2016
Tishman Speyer Seeks City, State Tax Incentives for $707M LIC Project
April 26, 2016
Court-Appointed Lawyer Peddles Q Burke Hotel, Minus the Q
April 26, 2016
Vermont ski resort could be forced to close amid fraud probe
April 26, 2016
Expenses could force Jay Peak to close, receiver says
April 25, 2016
Court-appointed manager scrambles to save ski resorts
April 25, 2016
Mount Snow Says Furloughs Are Unrelated To EB-5 Delays
April 25, 2016

China News, Articles

Did you know? IIUSA Filed a Lawsuit Naming the DHS and the USCIS as Defendants
Marko Issever
March 04, 2020
Did you know? IIUSA Reported Third Quarter Form I-526 adjudication trends
Marko Issever
October 06, 2019
Did you know? Minimum Investments going up, Targeted Employment Area Designations being redefined
Marko Issever
July 24, 2019
American promise sold out!
Mahnaz Khazen
June 26, 2019
Why is EB-5 relevant to a foreign student in an American college?
Marko Issever
April 15, 2019
USCIS Makes Two More Applications Available for Online Filing
Marko Issever
February 05, 2019
Congress passes 3-week Continuing Resolution to end government shutdown and reauthorizes the EB-5 program
Marko Issever
January 27, 2019
Will USCIS continue to take I-526 applications past the December 22, 2018 deadline?
Marko Issever
December 27, 2018
Marko Issever
October 10, 2018
Grenada citizenship and E-2 visa may solve the Chinese retrogression problem
Marko Issever
August 27, 2018
What is this waterfall anyway? At the end of the day, does it really matter?
Marko Issever
June 08, 2018
Indians started favoring #EB5 Visa against their all time favorite #H1-B #visa.
Marko Issever
April 25, 2018
If you missed the H-1B cap don’t despair!
Marko Issever
April 10, 2018
EB-5 Programının yine hiç bir değişiklik yapılmadan 30 Eylül 2018'e Uzatılması Bekleniyor!!!
Marko Issever
March 21, 2018
It seems like EB-5 Investor Visa will get another clean extension until September 30, 2018!!!
Marko Issever
March 21, 2018
Mueller Probing Kushner’s Attempts to Finance 666 Building
February 20, 2018
500.000 $ seviyesinde yatırım yapmak için fırsat penceresi daralıyor. ABD Kongresi mevcut yasayı 8 Şubat 2018'e kadar herhangi bir değişiklik yapmadan uzattı!
Marko Issever
January 30, 2018
The window of opportunity to invest at the $ 500,000 level is tightening. Congress extended the current law to February 8, 2018 with no changes!
Marko Issever
January 30, 2018
Chinese Couple Accused of Exporting Coal for North Korea Covertly Tried to Immigrate to United States
January 29, 2018
Immigration in 2018: Unknowns…
Raymond Lahoud
December 30, 2017

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