Project Updates

Jay peak manager readies first ski season helm
November 23, 2016
EB-5 Visas Expected to Reach New Heights Under Trump, As Immigration Rules Tighten
November 22, 2016
USA immigration EB-5 Scam Used Photos with Trump and the Clintons
November 21, 2016
Investors pay $72M for Portland group's charter school portfolio in Florida
November 21, 2016
Lucky Dragon casino-hotel opens just off Las Vegas Strip
November 21, 2016
Peoples united bank investors square off EB-5 claims
November 19, 2016
Affordable Assisted Living Property Opens in Dallas
November 18, 2016
First step on One Big Sky Center
November 17, 2016
Silverstein transferred EB-5 funds from 2 WTC to Macklowe’s 1 Wall Street
November 17, 2016
Newport hole and Anc-bio site- go delinquent on taxes too
November 17, 2016
Trump presidency leaves EB-5 program's future uncertain
November 17, 2016
State suit filed in EB-5 case
November 17, 2016
Dermot Company executives threatened with foreclosure on Battery Maritime Building
November 17, 2016
Lawsuit alleges Palm House part of $50M criminal scheme
November 16, 2016
Civitas and Stonegate open EB-5 funded assisted living facility opens in east dallas
November 16, 2016
PhoenixMart going vertical at last
November 15, 2016
$32.5M lawsuit filed by South Dakota hotel and casino
November 15, 2016
Billionaire USD grad short-listed for Trump's Treasury
November 14, 2016
Mismanaged EB-5 investment for visa program in South Dakota spawns lawsuits, criminal charges
November 13, 2016
Deadwood Mountain Grand investors sue former EB-5 director Bollen
November 11, 2016

EB-5 Articles: Regional Centers, Projects

Timeline: South Dakota's EB-5 regional center
July 28, 2016
Rich immigrant investors hit mountain of fraud in Vermont resort project
July 28, 2016
Feds slam South Dakota EB-5 center again while inching closer to terminating it
July 28, 2016
Feds move closer to terminating immigrant-investor center
July 28, 2016
USCIS Notice of Certified Termination
July 27, 2016
Andre Hurst Meets With Senate Judiciary Chair
July 27, 2016
EB-5 Investor Funds - Merits of Early Release and Related Issues
July 27, 2016
Metairie Asian American woman appointed to international arm Tri Centennial committee
July 26, 2016
Jay Peak Was On Vt. Radar 4 Years Ago
July 26, 2016
Visa-for-Sale Program Riddled with Fraud
July 25, 2016
Video: Jonathan Falik discusses the 2016 hotel finance and investment environment
July 25, 2016
Bill Schubart: A Call For Transparency In The EB-5 Matter
July 24, 2016
EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program – Invest in a US business and receive a green card
July 23, 2016
Head Of Vermont's EB-5 Regional Center Submits Resignation
July 23, 2016
Galbraith Wants To Curb Lobbyists' Influence On Lawmaking
July 22, 2016
Video: Patrick Hogan of CMB Regional Centers discusses the EB-5 immigrant investment visa program and hotel finance–2016 Hotel Finance and Investment Outlook
July 22, 2016
Perspectives On The EB-5 Scandal
July 22, 2016
Director Of EB-5 Promotion In Vermont Resigns Post After Less Than A Year
July 22, 2016
Schubart: EB-5
July 22, 2016
Enforcement: Raymond James Fined $1.45M in Vermont Immigrant Visa Case
July 22, 2016

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