The filing of the I-829 comes with its own unique challenges, different from those faced in the I-526 petition. While remaining with the original attorney does indeed afford you with consistency, retaining an experienced and qualified EB5 attorney like the attorney at our law firm can help you prepare and file an approvable package with USCIS. A new attorney would correspond with the Regional Center to obtain all the necessary documentation for the filing, and prepare the forms and other supporting documentation.
It is not required that you have the same attorney for both your I-526 and I-829 petitions. You should be comfortable with your immigration attorney, since he or she represents you and not the EB-5 project (direct or regional center).
In addition to the previous comments, some of our clients will choose to have different attorneys represent them on complex or unique businesses and/or business models vs. something more standard like a hotel or ALF facility. The logic in these cases is that unique situations may require a higher level of experience, in particular with RFEs, in order to have the insight needed to address a unique set of circumstances or unique application of the EB-5 regulations.
While it is certainly not required to use the same attorney throughout the process naturally if you are satisfied with your attorney there is really no good reason to switch as they are most familiar with your specific situation. That said, if you have faced certain issues in the previous application steps, such as the I-526 petition, there is no restriction to use another attorney to file your for example I-829 petition.
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