How will my OPT expiration affect my adjustment of status after my recently-approved I-526 Petition?
The EAD allows you to work in the US, but does not give you legal status on the US. If you are currently in legal status in the US, you can file the I-485 application to adjust to Conditional Permanent Residency. Our law firm would be happy to assist you with this process, as it is best done with the guidance and assistance of a qualified EB5 attorney.
dear Mr Sai P, I am interested in EB5 visa and sourcing funds to invest by Aug/Sep 2015. few clarifications . 1) the source of funds can it be a sale of property to our private limited company and loan from blood relatives ? 2)the funds it escrow account till the I529 is approved produce any return on investment ? 3) how to choose a EB5 project as we have lot many and everyone claim great sucess rate ?4) I am in India and how to choose an attorney ,who is accessibale and does good service till green card?5) I am planning to travel to attend EB5 investors conference on Aug 2&3 at LAX with california governer . Will it be useful to decide in this 2 days ?
await your clarifications ? Best regards .Haririshnan p, MD .High Tec Lifts
If your OPT will expire soon, you should file I-485 in order to continue to stay in the U.S. legally.
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