We have clients holding a green card for over five years with a pending I-829 application. What is your suggestion for this group of clients?
We have clients holding a green card for over five years with a pending I-829 application. These clients who are otherwise eligible to apply for citizenship cannot be approved to get one without obtaining a permanent 10-year green card. What is your suggestion for this group of clients?
It is unfortunate that USCIS has a long backlog in I-829 processing. Currently, the USCIS website is showing 66.5 months. The client-attorney should contact USCIS to alert them that their client is eligible to apply for US citizenship. To avoid a denial of eligibility, they should request USCIS to review their 829 petition as soon as possible. Attorneys we are in touch with tell us that this method is very effective in getting results. Of course, each case could be different. The best course of action an investor can take is to contact their immigration attorney to weigh their options.
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