What are some of the advantages of the RIA of 2022 for potential investors?
Our clients are having an issue with the increased investment amount of $800,000 for qualifying EB5 projects. Even though since 1990, the launch of the program, the investment amount remained unadjusted, a 60% increase seems to be high. Are there any benefits of the RIA of 2022 over the previous law that would mitigate this? In other words, what are some of the advantages of the RIA of 2022 for potential investors?
Great question. There are quite a few benefits for investors. The foremost one is the concurrent filing option for nonimmigrant visa holders such as F-1 visa-holding students, H1-B visa-holding nonimmigrant workers, and E2 visa-holding foreign owners of US companies. Another advantage is the carve-out granted to rural projects (20%), TEA projects (10%), and infrastructure projects (2%). There is also priority processing available for rural projects. Section 6 of the legislation mandates that within a year of enactment, USCIS will conduct a fee study and then charge fees sufficient to ensure efficient processing and adjudication of such cases within six months.
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