Many of our investors are getting frustrated due to the uncertainty around the Regional Center EB-5 Program. Do you have any suggestions for them while they are waiting for the re-authorization of it?
They could consider the Direct EB-5 Program. Direct EB-5 requires direct jobs, and the size of the projects is substantially smaller. Each investor will need to weigh the pros and cons of their specific situation before jumping into a potentially high-risk direct EB-5 project. There is also talk about a new program.
Congress is in the process of launching the LIKE Act. The program, designed to Let Immigrants Kickstart Employment and hence the name LIKE Act, if passed, encourages the establishment of startup companies in the U.S. to spur economic growth and create jobs.
There are two articles on the program that both give a comprehensive overview. One is by Anayat Durrani entitled, "LIKE bill may be an alternative to EB-5 visa", and the other is by Lubna Kably entitled, "New US Bill provides for visas for founders of startups and pathway for green cards." The articles are published by EB5 Investors Magazine and The Times of India, respectively.
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