Can EB-5 application be transferred?
Our client, for personal reasons, decided to withdraw his pending I-526 application and transfer his spot to his spouse. Can he?
Unfortunately, he cannot. The new person, even if he is a close family member like a spouse, will have to start the process all over again.
Unfortunately not. However the investor could seek a refund of the investment as per investment agreement and perhaps grant that money to other person. You may have to work with regional center's counsel on that matter.
Note: This is a blog post by attorney Niranjan Adhikari and should NOT be construed as a legal advice. The materials appearing on this are attorney advertising. This site is NOT intended to create an attorney-client relationship. If you or your employer want to learn more about this and other immigration law topics do contact us at (+1) 888 820 4430 (toll free), or (+1) 202 459 2105, or email us at
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