Source of Funds for Inheritance
Does the investor need to document how for example the deceased parent earned the funds that were inherited by the investor who is now using part or all of those funds to fund the EB5 investment and the administrative fee?
This is a very complex issue. A competent immigration attorney should be consulted if the investor plans to use such inherited funds. Generally speaking, if the deceased passed away recently the scrutiny on the source of funds would be almost identical to that of the usual case where the funds were earned in one way or another by the investor himself. If the parent passed away long time ago, then it might be sufficient to show adequate evidence that the parent had the wherewithal to earn the claimed funds by the investor. This could be achieved by showing the scope of the work the parent did, his bank statements, recommendation letters etc. Needless to say, proper documentation of the will, bank statements etc., need to be presented as well to prove lawful transfer of the funds from the parent's account to the heir using the funds for the EB5 investment.
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