Advise for Chinese EB-5 investors
Many of our Chinese clients are no longer able to apply for the EB-5 Visa. They do not want to wait for 17 years to get a green card. Given this reality, do you have any advise for them for alternate methods to come to the United States?
Yes. Many attorneys nowadays are proposing to Chinese investors who were born in Mainland China as well as others from countries where there is no E-2 treaty but are facing potentially severe EB-5 retrogression issues to apply for the citizenship of another third country. Grenada citizenship seems to be the preferred route. Once applicants obtain Grenada citizenship, they can then apply for the E-2 visa to come to the United States. The source of funds requirement of E-2 is much less onerous than that of EB-5 as well. Applicants can obtain Grenada citizenship within six months. E-2 processing times is a couple of months as well. Therefore, the total process takes less than a year. The spouse of the E-2 visa applicant can work at any job of their choosing with no restrictions. Typically, the duration of this visa is 5 years for citizens of Grenada. If they have the means, there is no reason for the E-2 visa holder not to apply for the EB-5 as well once they are in the United States with the E-2 visa.
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