The applicant really has to make up their mind that they would like to move to the United States. The EB5 visa is not meant for those who are looking for plan B in case they need to leave the country they currently reside. This is because if they do not move to the United States subsequent to receiving the green card, it is quite likely that their green card would be confiscated.
Needless to say, they need to have the required investment amount and related fees in liquid funds to be able to proceed. If the funds are not liquid and certain assets need to be liquidated to make the investment that is ok as long as the investor has high confidence that they will be able to liquidate the assets in a reasonable amount of time so that they can make the required investment.
This investment is not made in installments. Unless the funds are deposited with the escrow agent of the regional center the I-526 application process cannot proceed. Of course, the investor will need to be able to provide the source of funds for the funds he/she intends to use as well.
EB-5 applicants should have enough knowledge about EB-5 visa, especially legal one. That's why I would recommend them to be assisted by professional immigration attorney to avoid any mistakes that may slow down the petition process.
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