EB5 vs E2
Some countries such as Turkey have a treaty with the US that allow its citizens to get the E2 visa, which necessitates a much smaller investment amount when compared to the EB5. What are some of the pros and cons of getting the E2 visa as opposed to applying for the EB5 visa?
That is certainly true. E2 requires a much smaller investment amount than the EB5. E2 visa is ideal for those who would like to be involved in a business “hands-on”. They do not have to provide employment to 10+ employees but rather 2-3 would do. The downside is that the E2 does not immediately lead to permanent residency. The EB-5 visa certainly calls for a larger capital commitment. If the investor is applying like most EB5 investors do through a regional center project, then he/she does not have to be active. The job creation requirement and therefore the responsibility is shifted to the Regional Center and their partner project developer. Some people view these two visas as mutually exclusive alternatives. That is actually not correct. Any investor who does not want to wait for two-two and a half years for the conditional green card but is interested to come to the US within a few months could certainly apply for the E2 visa. Once they obtain the E2 visa, they could then apply for the EB5. This way, most likely before the E2 visa expires they would be granted I-526 approval followed by conditional green card.
EB5 and E2 are two different categories. Rather than choosing between two, both can benefit you somehow. You can apply for E-2 visa while waiting for your EB-5 petition to be approved, then you can come to America earlier and switch to EB-5 later.
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