Questioning on the rising of EB-5 fee?
As a protential EB-5 investor, i am concerning whether the EB-5 fees will rise from USD500,000 to an unknown number? If yes, can anyone tell what is the exact time? Really thx for replaying.
I don't think there's a certain date, but it's possible the investment amount increases as early as December 9th, 2016, which is the next deadline for the government to extend the EB-5 Regional Center Program.
There are still no news on what this number might be, but the next deadline is April 28th. The options are: unchanged, $800,000, $1.3M, or dismantling the program altogether (very unlikely). As of February 3rd there seems no indication yet on when and how this will happen, so we might see another kick in the can after all.
As of today, The Investment amount remains the same. There are many discussions as to increasing the amount to $800,000, $1. 3 Million among other changes to the program. We will have to wait for the deadline to see what will happen.

April 28th until more details will emerge.
According to a lot of representatives in the US Congress, that figure should be above $1 million as the EB-5 program seem to be "too" popular right now.
In early January, 2017, DHS released its proposed regulations to increase the minimum investment amount in Targeted Employment Areas (TEAs) to $1,350,000 and to $1,800,000 in non-TEAs. The commentary period on the Rule ends on April 11th, 2017 and it would appear at some point following that DHS will provide its final rule making to increase the minimum thresholds. It is not possible to tell with certainty the eventual determination or when the increased amount will become effective but it would appear likely that the minimum thresholds will likely rise in the near future.
Until January 19 2018 there will be no changes. However, after that if another extension is not granted, the minimum investment amount is almost definite to be revised upward. For Targeted Employment Areas (TEA’s), the minimum investment could be raised to anywhere between $ 800,000 and $ 1.35 million. For non-TEA projects, the minimum required investment could become $ 1.8 million. The TEA definition will also be revised. In order to qualify to invest at the discounted TEA level, investors will need to find projects in truly rural areas. This differs from the current law, which permits projects in urban settings that have high unemployment areas within commuting distance. Additionally, the authority to designate an area to be TEA might be taken away from the states and given to the federal government.
There is no date certain for any changes to the program. The program, however, was extended until January 19, 2018. As of now, the program stays as it was--no changes. As January 19th approaches, however, there may be a bigger push to change the program in various manners, including an increase in the minimum investment amount.
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