How can I apply for EB-5 from outside my home country?
If somebody living outside his home country wins a lottery or amount out of a draw in a promotion, will these funds be considered suitable for an EB-5 investment? Can the funds be transferred to the regional center account directly from the foreign country?
Yes, money from a legal lottery is suitable for EB-5. The money must be transferred from your personal account in a foreign country and subject to currency taxation.
Yes, you can. You can open a bank account in the U.S. to transfer your money to.
There is no reason that you should not be able to use funds you have won in a lottery in an EB-5 investment. The only reason that you will not be able to is if the lottery or the promotion activity in that country was conducted illegally. As long as they were legal activities in the country they took place and you can prove that without reasonable doubt you should be able to use those funds with no problem. As far as your question whether you can apply from a country other than your home country though there should be no reason that you should not be able to. In other words, you should be able to under normal circumstances.
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