How do I find the best EB-5 project in terms of investment?
I realize that the major concern of most EB-5 investors is to get a green card, but I see little information about the investment itself. My interest is initially the investment and the green card is a consequence. I want more information to choose the best investment. How do I go about finding the best EB-5 project investment-wise?
Some things to look for:
1. Need to make sure funds are sufficiently at risk
2. Make sure there is sufficient job creation; the easiest jobs to create and prove are economist-calculated indirect jobs, based on project expenditures.
3. How long have they been in market; if it's been a while already will they be able to sell all their EB-5 positions in time?
4. Make sure the project has a good feasibility study done by an independent third party.
5. Is there bridge financing in place to enable the project to get started while the EB-5 investors are being sought?
6. Get some advice on the degree of certainty of job creation for this particular project.
7. Check out the project team: experience in successfully launching this kind of deal? Failures? Background check?
8. Make sure the project offers an 'buffer' of job creation, above the 10 required jobs per investor.
9. Avoid projects that claim 'tenant occupancy' jobs. These are not necessarily bad, but can be troublesome.
10. Better deals often offer 1% or less returns to investors, so keep that in mind.
11. Make sure that the securities lawyer who drew up the offering documents has experience with EB-5 and the unique elements that are often required in EB-5 offering documents.
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