What qualifies as lawful source of funds documentation for EB-5?
I have sold an internet domain name for more than $1 million. I have screenshots and emails as proof of the sale. Would these documents be sufficient to prove my lawful source of funds for the purpose of applying for an EB-5 visa? What qualifies as lawful source of funds documentation for EB-5?
Independent, corroborating documentation of the lawful source of funds must be submitted with the I-526, Immigrant Petition for Alien Entrepreneur filing. The documents that investors must submit will vary depending on their specific source of investment. Generally, the following information should be submitted:
Narrative of the investor’s past earnings history, current occupation/business, history of how he or she has made the investment funds;
Documentation to show that the investor has a level of income or has accumulated sufficient wealth to make the EB-5 investment and reside in the U.S.;
Financial statements for the investor or their business;
Recent bank account statements showing personal savings; and
5 years of tax returns for every country where the individual has earned money and/ or filed tax returns.
If the money comes from a business the investor owns, they will need to submit:
5 years of the business’ tax returns;
Audited financial statements or accountant’s evaluation
website print outs;
Business licenses/registration documents;
Bank statements for the business;
Stock certificates showing ownership percentage;
Documentation relating to acquisition of business and funds spent for acquisition; and
Documentation relating to sale of business and proceeds from same.
In other words, screen shots will not be enough.
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