What can an EB-5 investor do if they are dissatisfied with project progress?
My I-526 petition was filed last February. I had not heard anything from USCIS until today, with my attorney not providing updates during that time. (My WAC number now indicates that my case is still under initial review). Meanwhile, I went to the EB-5 project twice, and am not satisfied with the progress that it has made so far. What can I do if I don't feel like the EB-5 project I invested in is proceeding according to schedule?
As for the timing on the EB-5 applications, that is with USCIS. As for the project progress, it all depends on what input you have-- if you are a direct investor, part of a regional center, etc. Not sure what you mean when you say you are "dissatisfied" with the project progress.
As long as there is no fraud or gross misrepresentation, I am afraid there isn't much you could do. If your I-526 gets rejected on the basis of not enough progress on the project and you have an I-526 payback guarantee you could certainly enforce that get paid back your initial capital and start all over again. The fact that you have not heard from USCIS on your I-526 application yet for over a year is not cause for alarm I think. On the other hand, if you genuinely believe that the project is not making the type of progress they indicated to you they would be making before you invested that is certainly reason to be worried. If you are very worried you might consider hiring professional help.
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