What qualifications should an EB-5 immigration attorney have?
I have extended family that would like to apply for EB-5 as I did. The attorney that helped with my application is no longer in practice. Can they use any attorney, or do they have to use one that is licensed in the exact state where the EB-5 investment is going to be? What qualifications should we look for when hiring an immigration attorney to handle the EB-5 application?
The attorney does not have to be in the same state as the EB-5 project.
Generally, we recommend the following when investigating an attorney.
1. Ask about experience with EB-5
2. Ask about what kinds of RFEs they typically see and how they are commonly resolved.
3. Ask if they can help you evaluate a project in terms of meeting EB-5 rules and in terms of important things like helping you to understand the degree of certainty of job creation
4. It would also be helpful if they are experienced with people from your country.
Pick an attorney that is experienced in the EB-5 investor industry. Ask questions about how many matters of this sort have been handled, etc. an immigration attorney must be well-versed in immigration law, given the very specialized nature of it.
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