The EB-5 immigrant investor law requires that the invested capital be at risk. Therefore, there can be no guarantee. You can seek to reduce the financial risk, but if a regional center project eliminates the risk by giving you a guarantee, that would be grounds to deny the I-526 petition.
Good comment Frederick. In addition, I would suggest that it's important to explain that this does not mean that the investment cannot be collateralized, as long as the collateral itself contains a degree of risk (e.g. collateralized agains the building that is being built or the business that is being developed, as both have an indefinite value, are subject to market forces, etc.)
The EB-5 requirements and the law clearly says that the investment must be at risk and that means that there cant be any guarantees.
No. the investment must be at risk. That is precisely why investors have to be very careful when picking a project to invest in and do their due diligence.
All the investments for EB-5 visa are not guaranteed. Investments in a regional center is usually risky. Therefore, we suggest you have a consultation with immigration attorneys to determine the best and more secure investments.
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