An RFE is a 'Request for Further Evidence. RFEs are issued by USCIS if they are not convinced of claims being made in either the business plan or other parts of the overall submission, or if USCIS just wants more evidence or verification of certain details.
A RFE is a a request that United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) sends out requesting additional evidence in support of your respective application. It is important that you timely respond to the RFE with the requested evidence.
RFE means Request For Further Evidence. If USCIS has questions about certain aspects of the application they will send in an RFE. Typically, but not necessarily, this occurs within the context of source of funds. If the investor has not documented fully how he had obtained the funds to fund the investment, this might occur. If investor uses borrowed funds then they have to show the source of the funds that was used to purchase the collateral used in order to borrow the funds from the lender. If the investor obtains the funds through a "gift" then the person who has gifted the funds has to show how they obtained the funds that they decided to gift to the investor.
An RFE is a request for evidence. USCIS can ask for one document or it can ask for several pages of documents. The most important thing to consider is the deadline for the response date. USCIS must receive its response by the due date or else it will dismiss your case.
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