An adjudicator should be able to understand the business as they need to determine whether it is credible. If your business is complex, the business plan should be presented in such a way as to present it in layman's terms, but then it should provide sufficient detail so that the layman's portion can be investigated and validated if need be.
If you are in the drug development business for example, the business plan should discuss the drugs, what they do, patents and an overview of how they work. The backup detail could be a brief explanation of molecular compounds, but the plan does not need to extend into a lesson of molecular biology.
Your business plan must be detailed and provide the necessary information. Try to keep things simple with respect to terminology, etc. Be sure that it is written so that it has the information, but in a manner that is in layman's terms. Use footnotes, etc. It is best to retain a business plan writer, who will understand the ins and outs of EB-5 business plans and what is expected.
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