Question on retrogress asked during USCIS conference
Bernard Wolfsdorf: Thank you so much. The name again was Bernard Wolfsdorf. I am with the AILA EB5 Committee and I think it was very very helpful for Director Colucci to explain. I believe it was Director Colucci that the IPO will continue its current expedite policy for a job which I believe is used to expedite based on humanitarian concerns. So thank you so much. That will be extremely beneficial as long as visa numbers remain current for Chinese nationals. However, the State Department has indicated that in May or June of 2015, the numbers will retrogress, at which point the opposite becomes true. At that point abeyance becomes a really valuable option for derivative beneficiaries and I did hear that at the present time there is no policy to adopt abeyance certainly across the board. My question really is this, in the third and fourth preference family practice arena, I note that the USCIS is adjudicating cases from September and December 2010 is positively holding back certain categories in the family arena to benefit derivative beneficiaries. So my question is, would you consider expanding that policy in the future as you develop your policy as is presently being done for families third and fourth preference siblings and married children of US citizens? I apologize for the long question but thank you.
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