Question on Job creation asked during USCIS conference
John Pratt: Thank you. My name is John Pratt. I’m an immigration practitioner for Miami Florida. Following up on what was said on job reservation for troubled businesses, for example, if you have 20 full-time jobs and 10 part-time jobs, what the regulations says that you preserve a pre-existing level. Are you saying that you only need to preserve the full-time jobs and not the part-time jobs? And so for example, if you have 20 full-time and 10 part-time, are you only required to preserve 20 full-time jobs or do you have to preserve because the regulation actually has a distinction, it doesn't seem to indicate that you are just preserving a pre-existing level and it doesn’t make a distinction between full-time and part-time, so I was just following up on what was said earlier by the economist. And obviously, you have provided guidance before that you have to preserve 10 per an investor, so under that hypo, then again, do you preserve only 20 jobs, you have two investors, if you could clarify please?
USCIS is interested in the full time jobs only, when it comes to troubled business job preservation, however, I would suggest that if two part time jobs are replaced by a full time job you could not consider that job as saved or net new.
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