Questions in regards to TEA asked during USCIS conference
Hi, my name is [indiscernible] [01:45:16] with CMB regional center. Questions in regards to TEA and it might resolve the issue of retrogression. There's challenges. I mean if you look at across the United States, no two states do TEA's the same. Actually within state they don't do them the same because you’ve got Texas for one unit of government will qualify a TEA that can call the 180 census tracts, six counties, a four and a half hour drive to get from one point to another where you’ve got other parts of Texas that won’t issue a TEA letter that combines 2 census tracts so that becomes a challenge for us. That's what’s reasonable and justifiable in one part of the United States is not reasonable and justifiable even within a state. So how do we as regional centers deal with that because there's nothing new for how it impacts retrogression if the projects don't measure investors? Project measure dollars. So when you got somebody that's manipulating TEA data, will the project looks familiar? So in fact there was something that was uniform for TEAs, there will be million-dollar projects that would be using up half the visas, the ones that actually are true TEA's would be using. I mean that it's a challenge for us. All I'd love to be able to see is one set of rules that this is what qualified and this is what's not qualified because we have done projects at the half million dollars level, and we've done them at the million-dollar level. I’d just love to see one set of rules from you guys in regards to what’s a TEA and what's not a TEA. And it’s no offense in it, you know, I am just saying that it’s very inconsistent. It's very hard for us to do business. Thank you.
Thank you for that feedback and you know, as you know we are thinking about a range of issues as we craft a regulation. It is safe to say that TEA is one of many issues that we are looking at and the great thing about I have noticed it before rulemaking when we do get to that stage is that it’s open for public comments. So of course, we encourage everyone to weigh in on any issue that we put out there. So we appreciate the comments. Thank you.
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