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Filing Date:June 13, 2016
Case:American Life, Inc. and Henry G. Liebman v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Jurisdiction:Washington State Court
Civil / Criminal:Civil
At various times, certain U.S. immigration attorneys and others (collectively “EB- 5 Agents”) performed activities necessary to effectuate transactions in American Life’s EB-5 securities, including recommending American Life investments to their clients; acting as a liaison between American Life and the investors; and facilitating the transfer and/or documentation of investment funds to American Life regional centers. While some of the EB-5 Agents’ activities overlapped with legal services, for which they received separate legal fees, for a period of time, 3 certain EB-5 Agents were paid transaction-based compensation for the activities which effectuated the investor’s transactions in EB-5 securities
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