American Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington Rating

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American Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington
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270 South Hanford St., Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98134


  • [All State]



American Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington Map


Henry LiebmanAnnie ZhouLarry Iceuser

Last Update: May 07, 2019 06:42 AM

Regional Center was viewed 3851 times (total).

American Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington


American Life Inc. offers investors a secure investment in prime real estate. The investment offers superior monthly income and a significant capital gain opportunity. The proven strategy developed over the past decade is to:

  1. Acquire aging properties in older industrial areas near the central business district of selected cities in Washington State (Seattle, Everett, and Tacoma) to benefit from urban infill.
  2. Create a footprint of contiguous or nearby properties which, at a future date, could be sold to or developed for a corporate user as a site for a corporate campus, and which benefit from each other's development or renovation; so that the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts.
  3. Make improvements to allow rental at reasonable rates to commercial tenants, while providing investors with a meaningful income return.
  4. Operate with the lowest possible risk by remaining free of debt, and owning all properties unencumbered by bank loans. (Note: by avoiding mortgage interest costs, American Life Inc. will maximize current income to its investors while patiently awaiting the exit strategy that maximizes investor profits.)

While the Seattle, Tacoma and Everett Regional Centers were selected to develop areas of high unemployment, the region as a whole is well endowed with resources, growing, and prosperous. Simply put, the Pacific Northwest is one of the better investment opportunities in the world.

Regional Overview

With over 20 million people and over US $700 billion in gross regional product, the US Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) and Western Canada (Alberta, British Columbia and Yukon) is one of fastest growing regions of North America. International trade, resource extraction, technology, and agriculture underpin the economy. It is one of one of North America’s most important gateways to East Asia, the host of the 2010 Winter Olympics and the site of several major infrastructure projects and internationally known businesses. The Seattle metropolitan area, together with Everett to the north and Tacoma to the south, form the commercial hub of this prosperous region.

In economic terms the Pacific Northwest is a relatively new addition to the world scene. Europeans arrived in the later half of the 18th century, most notably with the expeditions of Captain Cook UK, Malaspina — Spanish and Bering — Russian. These expeditions mapped the area and catalogued its natural resources. Captain Vancouver, part of Cook's expedition, highly recommended Puget Sound as a suitable place for European colonization but thought it was too far from population centers. European settlement trickled in soon after, primarily in search of furs. In the first half of the 19th century a steady stream of immigrants from the Eastern part of the US arrived on foot and covered wagons by way of the Oregon Trail. The stream of people increased with the opening of the transcontinental railroad. The arrival of the jet plane further increased this migration from all over the world. Modern transportation made a once remote, yet bountiful, part of the world accessible and, for better or worse, exploitable.

The region as a whole, but especially Seattle, is a hot-bed of high-tech business. It is also a leading "creative class" economic driver, with a thriving cultural sector, many knowledge workers and numerous international advertising, media and design firms. While Microsoft is of course the leading software company in the region, it is interesting to note that the Washington Software Alliance,, includes over 1,000 member companies, all from the State of Washington.

While the Seattle Regional Center was selected to develop areas of high unemployment, the region as a whole is well endowed with resources, growing and prosperous. Simply put, the Pacific Northwest is one of the better development opportunities in the world.

Secure Income Stream

American Life Inc. properties have historically maintained 97% occupancy. The overall growth of the Pacific Northwest economy, coupled with close in urban infill locations attracts companies to the American Life Inc.'s regional centers. At the same time, government has been acquiring substantial amounts of land and buildings for capital and transportation infrastructure projects. This net reduction in building stock diminishes supply, while the market continues to demand more.

Proximity to central business districts and regional transportation infrastructure decreases vacancy rates and tends to increase rents over more distant locations. These close-in areas benefit from increased transportation costs due to the rise of fuel prices. This has been demonstrated in Seattle's SODO district in recent years.

Being debt free eliminates the risks of losing a property to a lender in bad markets and increases the likelihood of receiving reliable and consistent distributions of rental income.

Providing a superior service keeps buildings rented. American Life Inc. works directly with its tenants in customizing spaces to best suit their needs. In addition to normal property management services, American Life Inc. tenants receive free space planning and access to loans for tenant improvements. As tenant space needs grow and change, they may also rearrange their space within any American Life Inc. building without penalty. Referrals from satisfied tenants are our best source of new business.

To prevent cost and level of service issues from affecting investor returns, all tenants sign "triple net leases1". Under these leases, all building operating expenses are charged to tenants.

1. Triple Net is a term for all expenses of the building, including: tax, insurance, repairs and utilities.

Exit Strategy Options

Management believes that the cities of Seattle, Tacoma and Everett will continue to evolve in tandem with the growth of the Pacific Northwest Region. Management believes that its property values will continue to rise as a result of their superior location and increasing income stream.

Exit strategies and options include:

  • Selling to a large developer
  • Selling to a real estate investment trust
  • Developing the parcels and selling each parcel separately
  • Forming a publicly traded real estate investment trust

Is the Regional Center a Public Agency, Government Entity or a Public/Private Partnership (EDC/EDA) affiliated or associated with one?

American Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington screenshotAmerican Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington screenshotAmerican Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington screenshotAmerican Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington screenshotAmerican Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington screenshotAmerican Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington screenshotAmerican Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington screenshotAmerican Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington screenshotAmerican Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington screenshotAmerican Life Ventures, Tacoma, Washington screenshot


Regional Center ID number

Regional Center EB-5 Quick Facts

Number of Approved I-526: N/A

Number of Approved I-829: N/A

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This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell shares or securities. Any such offer or solicitation will be made only by means of an investment's confidential Offering Memorandum and in accordance with the terms of all applicable securities and other laws. This website does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, any offer for sale or subscription of, or any invitation to offer to buy or subscribe for, any securities, nor should it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied on in any connection with, any contract or commitment whatsoever. LLC and its affiliates expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from: (i) reliance on any information contained in the website, (ii) any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information or (iii) any action resulting therefrom.