Nicholas Mastroianni II & U.S. Immigration Fund - NY & Allied Capital and Development of South Florida LLC vs David Finkelstein
Views: 4860
Filing Date:January 26, 2015
Case:David Finkelstein Vs. Allied Capital and Development of South Florida
Jurisdiction:Florida State Court
Civil / Criminal:Civil
Nicholas Mastroianni II, chief executive of Allied Capital and Development of South Florida and the public face of Harbourside, is in a legal war with a lesser-known figure: David Finkelstein, Allied's former chief financial officer. In a lawsuit in Palm Beach County Circuit Court, Mastroianni's Allied Capital sued Finkelstein, seeking a judge's ruling that Finkelstein is not entitled to any ownership interest in Allied Capital and Harbourside. Now Finkelstein has counter-claimed, alleging breach of contract due to Mastroianni's failure to abide by his promise to give Finkelstein equity interest.
Complaint Allied Vs. David Finkelstein
Plaintiffs Allied Capital and development of south Florida, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company and HARBOURSIDE PLACE, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company (collectively, "Plantiffs") by and through the undersigned counsel hereby sue Defendant David Finkelstein ("Defendant"), and in support thereof state.
Complaint_allied_v_Finkelstein-06042014.pdfNews & Updates
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