EB-5 Capital Project Database: Revisited and Expanded
March 29, 2016
Our paper entitled “Roadmap to the Use of EB-5 Capital: An Alternative Financing Tool for Commercial Real Estate Projects,” released in May 2015, includes a database of some of the largest real estate development projects in major metropolitan areas that have incorporated EB-5 capital as a component of the capital stack. The June 2015 introduction of S. 1501, an EB-5 reform bill co-sponsored by Senators Grassley and Leahy, prompted a surge of project exemplar filings by Regional Centers hoping to avoid the application of the bill’s more stringent Targeted Employment Area (TEA) definition and higher minimum investment requirements. 3 Even after the bill died in December 2015, Regional Centers continued to file applications for numerous projects anticipating that new legislation will be enacted.4 This paper supplements the Roadmap Database with 27 additional large-scale real estate projects that are in the process of utilizing a sizeable amount of EB-5 capital (the “Supplemental Database”).
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