EB-5 Visa & Immigration Issues for Iranian Investors in Farsi

Conversation about News & Events in the EB-5 Industry with Analysts, Experts and Newsmakers. Questions can be made by calling: +1-917-421-9919 or by video here with a Chrome browser
1. OFAC regulation
2. Investment in Regional Centers
3. Why some projects do not accept Iranians?
4. Regional centers issues when dealing with Iranian investors
5. How does the challenged travel ban effects EB5 cases.
6. Post September 2017 – What to expect in regards to changes to investment thresholds and TEAs.
See more here - https://eb5projects.com/updates/posts/968-changes-to-visa-program-could-set-back-kushner-family-s-real-estat
See more here - https://eb5projects.com/updates/posts/972-texas-senator-s-proposal-would-expand-scandal-plagued-eb-5-visa-pr
See more here - https://eb5projects.com/updates/project_updates/2768
Securities and Exchange Commission Vs. Idaho State Regional Center
Web Page: https://livestream.com/accounts/19002250/events/7435178
Source: https://livestream.com/accounts/19002250/events/7435178
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