Chinese investors vs U.S. Department Of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, USCIS, Leon Rodriguez, Ron Rosenberg, Nicholas Colucci

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Chinese investors

Wei Gan, Wentago Huang, Jian Wang, Xue Wang, Xiaomeng Xu, Lihong Yang


U.S. Department Of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, USCIS, Leon Rodriguez, Ron Rosenberg, Nicholas Colucci

Filing Date:April 04, 2016

Case:Wei Gan, ET AL. Vs. USCIS

Jurisdiction:Federal District Court for the District of Columbia


Civil / Criminal:Civil

Cause(s) of Action:

Breach of Contract


This civil action seeks judicial review of final agency decisions that plaintiffs have failed to establish eligibility for classification as alien entrepreneurs under 203(b)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA") by a preponderance of the evidence (hereinafter the "Eb-5 Program").


Civil Action complaint

Civil Action complaint

Attorneys, Regional Centers and Firms
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesWright Law Firm, PLLCJason D. Wright


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