Business Plan for Obtaining EB5 Visa

Business Plan for Obtaining EB5 Visa

The EB-5 Visa was Congressionally created in 1990 as a strategy to stimulate the U.S. economy by encouraging international investors to invest in new commercial enterprises or government designated regional center projects. As the business environment rapidly globalizes, the EB 5 program has taken on new prominence and importance. Getting approval for the EB-5 Visa requires strict adherence to government requirements concerning jobs creation or protection, and capital investments.

There is naturally a significant amount of effort involved in obtaining approval from the administering federal agency which is the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The entire process from beginning to end can take up to one-and-a-half years, and it is critical that the application be thorough and include all supporting documentation.


Comprehensive Planning and the Business Plan

One of the most important requirements is the submission of a comprehensive business plan for obtaining the EB5 Visa.

  • Describe the type of commercial enterprise or the regional center project
  • Explain the status of the I-526 petition filed with the USCIS, a necessary step for providing proof of legal investment and earning Conditional Permanent Resident status (conditional Green Card)
  • Describe the legal status of the business and whether it is a sole proprietorship, holding company, limited or general partnership, joint venture, business trust or corporation
  • Explain and document the legal source of investment funds, demonstrating the ability to meet the minimum qualifying investment amount of $1 million for a general investment or $500,000 for investment in a Targeted Employment Area (TEA)
  • Explain how the enterprise will meet job creation requirements which include creating or preserving 10 or more jobs, or creating and preserving direct and indirect jobs, after achieving Conditional Permanent Resident status
  • Plan for earning unconditional Permanent Resident status (Green Card) after successfully meeting two-year conditional status requirements
  • Provide the business description, comprehensive market analysis, description of licenses and permits needed or received, and detailed personnel plan
  • Include exhaustive financial data such as the detailed source of funds, income projections, cash flow projections, profit and loss projections and balance sheet

Successfully obtaining an EB-5 Visa relies heavily on the quality of the business plan. Foreign investors are wise to consult with experts during business planning and to use their particular expertise in developing a business plan to support the request for EB-5 status. The business plan can also be used as documentation when requesting bank financing or private funding.

International investors can rely on the expertise of OGS Capital consultants who have wide industry experience and extensive experience in preparing successful business plans for EB 5 Visa status. No matter where the investor is located in the world, simply complete the online contact form and get the process starting quickly and efficiently.


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