Chinese investors & Japanese investors vs U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
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Huashan Zhang, Mayayuki Hagiwara | vs. |
Filing Date:May 03, 2016
Case:USCIS Vs. Huashan Zhang, Mayayuki Hagiwara
Jurisdiction:Federal District Court for the District of Columbia
Civil / Criminal:Civil
Denial of petition
Mr. Zhang filed his Form I-526 petition on December 23, 2013 (receipt no. WAC1490085382), and USCIS denied the petition on May 28, 2015. The denial of Mr. Zhang’s Form I-526 petition has had serious adverse consequences for Mr. Zhang and his family. Mr. Zhang passed up several business opportunities in China to prepare for what he believed would be his family’s imminent immigration to the United States, and USCIS’s denial of his Form I-526 petition has rendered those preparations worthless. Worse, Mr. Zhang’s daughter turned 21 during the pendency of the Form I-526 petition, and she has therefore “aged-out” and will be ineligible to immigrate to the U.S. as a derivative on Mr. Zhang’s petition absent intervention from this Court to reverse USCIS’s erroneous denial.
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