RAMSEY PIMENTEL vs David J. Hart, P.A & South Florida Investment Regional Center (SFIRC)

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David J. Hart, P.A

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South Florida Investment Regional Center (SFIRC)


Filing Date:December 09, 2016


Jurisdiction:Federal District Court for the Southern District of Florida


Civil / Criminal:Civil

Cause(s) of Action:

Breach of Contract


Plaintiff RAMSEY PIMENTEL, and other similarly situated individuals, by and through the undersigned counsel, hereby sues Defendants, ASTOR EB-5 LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, d/b/a HOTEL ASTOR, individually; and DAVID J. HART, individually; collectively ("Defendants 11), and in support. avers as follows: 1. This is art action by the Plaintiff For damages exceeding $15,000 excluding attorneys' fees or costs for unpaid wages under the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. §§ 201-219 ("FLSA") and the Florida Minimum Wage Act, Fla. Stat.§ 448.110 ("FMWA"). 2. This CoUlt has jurisdiction over Plaintiffs FLSA claims pursuant to the 29 U.S.C. § 216. 3. Plaintiff was at all times relevant to this action, residents of Miami-Dade County Florida, within the jurisdiction of this Honorable CoUrt. Plaintiff is covered employee for purposes ofthe FLSA and FMWA.


Pimental v. Astor EB-5 LLC dba Hotel Astor and David J. Hart Complaint

Plaintiff RAMSEY PIMENTEL, and other similarly situated individuals, by and through the undersigned counsel, hereby sues Defendants, ASTOR EB-5 LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, d/b/a HOTEL ASTOR, individually; and DAVID J. HART, individually; collectively ("Defendants11), and in support. avers as follows: 1. This is art action by the Pl&intifffor damages exceeding $15,000 excluding attorneys' fees or costs for unpaid wages under the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. §§ 201-219 ("FLSA") and the Florida Minimum Wage Act, Fla. Stat.§ 448.110 ("FMWA"). 2. This CoUlt has jurisdiction over Plaintiffs FLSA claims pursuant to the 29 U.S.C. § 216. 3. Plaintiff was at all times relevant to this action, residents of Miami-Dade County Florida, within the jurisdiction of this Honorable CoUrt. Plaintiff is covered employee for purposes ofthe FLSA and FMWA.

Attorneys, Regional Centers and Firms
David J. Hart, P.ARemer & Georges-Pierre PLLCAnthony M. Georges-PierreSouth Florida Investment Regional Center (SFIRC)

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