United States of America vs KLAUSNER LUMBER ONE, LLC
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ex rel. Emma Tirella | vs. | KLAUSNER LUMBER ONE, LLC |
Filing Date:March 02, 2016
Case:Realtor Emma Tirella v. Klausner Lumber One, LLC
Jurisdiction:Federal District Court for the Middle District of Florida
Civil / Criminal:Civil
This is an action by qui tam Realtor Emma Tirella, on behalf of the United States of America, against Defendant KLAUSNER LUMBER ONE, LLC ("KL1"), to recover penalties and damages arising from KL1's systematic practice of submitting false statements to the United States, state of Florida and local government entities in order to obtain public grants and funding, as well as EB-5 financing, relating to KL-1's lumber sawmill project in Live Oak, Florida. In particular, KL-1 repeatedly has made false statements to various governmental entities regarding specific job creation and training expectations, which must be met and maintained in order to receive public funding and EB-5 financing.
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