Monarch Investments, LLC vs Texas Economic Regional Center Holding Company (TERC) &
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Monarch Investments, LLC | vs. |
The Lorenzana Law Firm, Khaled M. Sarhan, Nash Martinez, Lorenco, Inc, Wayne Cadena, Lucy Cadena, Fernando Aurrecoechea, Alejandro Aurrecoechea, Candice Aguirr,e United Pillars Group LLC |
Filing Date:February 05, 2015
Case:MONARCH INVESTMENTS, LLC v. Texas Economic Regional Center Holding Co. and others
Jurisdiction:Federal District Court for the Western District of Texas
Civil / Criminal:Civil
Securities Violations
Violation of California Labor Code Section 1102.5
The plaintiff claims that : Lorenzana Jr., the Aurrecoecheas and other Defendants had almost completely squandered and misappropriated Monarch’s investment for their personal gain over the past ten months. Of the $900,000 initial investment, less than $100,000 remained. During the months since Monarch’s initial investment, WMC had failed to generate any meaningful revenue (much less the $1.3 million projected for first year operations, which they had represented were being exceeded). WMC had no paying clients, no meaningful opportunities and nominal assets. In addition, Monarch now knows: Lorenzana Jr. had orchestrated various payments from WMC to his law firm (the Lorenzana Firm) for unauthorized expenses unrelated to WMC’s business operations (including one for a purported construction loan); Lorenzana Jr. and the Aurrecoecheas had authorized and paid Martinez an undisclosed commission of $18,000 for Monarch’s investment; Aguirre, Alejandro Aurrecoechea, and Cadena had siphoned WMC’s funds and paid themselves (through WMC’s management company UPG) salaries far in excess of those represented as part of the Business Plan. They had also hired Ms. Cadena (Cadena’s wife) as an office manager (a position not disclosed in the Business Plan) and paid her a salary well above any defensible market value, and which she knew was far more than could be justified as a legitimate exercise of business judgment. In addition, Fernando Aurrecoechea generated a substantial salary from WMC (again through a position not disclosed in the Business Plan and which he knew to be well above any defensible market value for the work he was actually doing). All of these defendants accepted these windfalls for months, all the while knowing that the company never generated any income or meaningful business.
MONARCH INVESTMENTS, LLC v. Texas Economic RC-Amended Complaint
MONARCH INVESTMENTS, LLC v. Texas Economic RC-Amended Complaint
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