Lela Goren vs Gary Barnett

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Lela Goren


Gary Barnett

Filing Date:May 31, 2019

Case:Lela Goren v. Gary Barnett

Jurisdiction:New York State Court


Civil / Criminal:Civil

Cause(s) of Action:

Breach of fiduciary duty



Unjust Enrichment


A summons filed Monday in New York State Supreme Court by developer Lela Goren claims that Barnett and the Extell New York Regional Center breached their fiduciary duty and engaged in fraud. Until recently, Goren worked as the regional center’s director, and had a 20 percent stake in the entity, the lawsuit claims. Barnett held a 65 percent stake in the entity, and investor Eli Cohen had a 15 percent stake, which he sold to an unknown buyer in 2017, according to court filings.

Derivative action is brought by LELA GOREN as a member of EXTELL NEW YORK REGIONAL CENTER, LLC, against defendants for Breach of Fiduciary Duty; Waste; Unjust Enrichment; Conversion; Fraud and Accounting in connection with the management and operation of the EB-5 regional center known as Extell New York Regional Center (the “Derivative Claims”)


Summons with notice

Summons with notice

Attorneys, Regional Centers and Firms
Gary BarnettLela GorenExtell New York Regional Center


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