International Creative Capital Rating

Profile Completion:Not Rated
Projects Completion:Not Rated
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Knowledge:Not Rated
Experience:0 projects
I-924A Rating:Non-Transparent


International Creative Capital
Contact Phone
01 (888) 928 1788 Ext 1007


1907 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 140 Wayzata, MN 55391


  • [All State]


Construction / 23
Wholesale Trade / 42
Information / 51
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services / 54
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation / 71
Accommodation and Food Services / 72



International Creative Capital Map


Last Update: August 03, 2017 07:26 AM

Regional Center was viewed 3446 times (total).

International Creative Capital


International Creative Capital, LLC (ICC) has been approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to be an authorized privately owned EB-5 Regional Center based in the Great State of Minnesota. The United States Congress established the EB-5 program in November 1990 to encourage foreign investment in the United States and to stimulate job growth. Since 2003 EB-5 Regional Centers have invested over $3.1 billion of foreign capital in the U.S. economy, creating over 65,000 jobs for U.S. citizens. EB-5 centers enable foreign investors to be connected with businesses and create a path for legal immigration into the United States. ICC is the first EB-5 Regional Center in Minnesota.


ICC’s vision is to bring people, foreign capital and community organizations together to promote economic growth and jobs in Minnesota.


Our mission is four fold:

  • First, to connect high quality investors with new and existing sound businesses in Minnesota.
  • Second, we want to grow job opportunities in Minnesota. This will strengthen communities and meet or exceed the EB-5 employment requirements.
  • Third, create business relationships that are successful for all parties.
  • Fourth, work closely with the State of Minnesota, community leaders, the University of Minnesota, colleges around the state and the many excellent chambers and other organizations throughout Minnesota.

Investing in Minnesota

Minnesota is world renowned for having a well educated highly productive workforce. In addition, the Twin Cities is known as the cultural center of the Midwest for theater and the arts.  Coupled with beautiful scenery and wonderful outdoor activities it is no wonder that Minnesota is 5th in the nation for Fortune 500 company headquarters.

There is excellent support by numerous community organizations, DEED, Governor Dayton and numerous business owners for an EB-5 Regional Center in Minnesota. They all know that foreign investment has been successful in United States and other countries to stimulate job growth.

ICC will work hard with our highly active business community to navigate the complexities of receiving foreign investment. We have evaluated numerous businesses for potential EB-5 investment. Currently we have several operating businesses with EB-5 qualifying opportunities that are excellent investment candidates. These businesses are in manufacturing, medical technology and retail and have attracted the interest of foreign investors.

Is the Regional Center a Public Agency, Government Entity or a Public/Private Partnership (EDC/EDA) affiliated or associated with one?

International Creative Capital screenshotInternational Creative Capital screenshotInternational Creative Capital screenshot


Regional Center ID number
Designation Date


  • Construction / 23
  • Wholesale Trade / 42
  • 44
  • Information / 51
  • Professional, Scientific and Technical Services / 54
  • Arts, Entertainment and Recreation / 71
  • Accommodation and Food Services / 72

Designation Letter - Download


Regional Center EB-5 Quick Facts

Number of Approved I-526: N/A

Number of Approved I-829: N/A

Securities Disclaimer

This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell shares or securities. Any such offer or solicitation will be made only by means of an investment's confidential Offering Memorandum and in accordance with the terms of all applicable securities and other laws. This website does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, any offer for sale or subscription of, or any invitation to offer to buy or subscribe for, any securities, nor should it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied on in any connection with, any contract or commitment whatsoever. LLC and its affiliates expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from: (i) reliance on any information contained in the website, (ii) any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information or (iii) any action resulting therefrom.