North Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center Rating

Profile Completion:Not Rated
Projects Completion:Not Rated
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Experience:0 projects
I-924A Rating:Non-Transparent


North Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center
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4200 James Ray Drive Grand Forks, ND 58202


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North Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center Map

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Mickayla Zinsli

Last Update: August 03, 2017 08:45 AM

Regional Center was viewed 5569 times (total).

North Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center


Welcome to the North Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center. We put the power of EB-5 within your reach—turning business potential into progress and U.S. residency goals into reality. Located in the heart of America’s strongest economy, the North Dakota/ Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center is the first and only regional center approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in North Dakota and/or Minnesota.

What sets us apart from other Regional Centers?
Experience: The North Dakota/Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center is owned and managed by the UND Center of Innovation Foundation (Foundation). It is through the Foundation’s expertise that the North Dakota/ Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center is able to confidently identify and develop EB-5 investments opportunities. Formed in 1984, the UND Center of Innovation Foundation was among the first entrepreneur outreach centers in the nation. To date, over 660 startups have been fostered by the Foundation resulting in 6,000 jobs. The Foundation is comprised of individuals with industry expertise and CEO level credentials in finance and investment fund management. The Foundation has received 12 National Awards for Excellence in innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic development.
Award Winning: The North Dakota/Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center was recognized by the State Science & Technology Institute for Excellence in Technology-Based Economic Development. On September 16, 2013, the Foundation accepted the award in Portland, Oregon on behalf of the North Dakota/Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center.
Non-Profit: The North Dakota/ Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, our primary focus is economic development through the access to foreign investment.  
University Affiliated: The North Dakota/ Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center is located in the Center for Innovation at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, ND.  The University of North Dakota is a member of the State of ND Government University System.  The North Dakota/ Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center is the only university affiliated non-profit regional center.
Ownership Role: Unlike many other regional Centers, we do not take an ownership or equity position in the companies we represent. We find issue with this for two reasons; it dilutes the founder’s role in the company and puts the investors’ needs second to reaping large company profits.
Stable Economy: North Dakota and Minnesota are continually ranked by highly prestigious organizations as the top preforming states. North Dakota was ranked by Moody’s Investment Rating as the “strongest economy in the USA” and by USA Gallup Poll as the “top job creator in the country by a wide margin.”

Is the Regional Center a Public Agency, Government Entity or a Public/Private Partnership (EDC/EDA) affiliated or associated with one?


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North Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center screenshotNorth Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center screenshotNorth Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center screenshotNorth Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center screenshotNorth Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center screenshotNorth Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center screenshotNorth Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center screenshotNorth Dakota / Minnesota EB-5 Regional Center screenshot




Regional Center EB-5 Quick Facts

Number of Approved I-526: N/A

Number of Approved I-829: N/A


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