California Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE) Rating

Profile Completion:Not Rated
Projects Completion:Not Rated
Site Activity:Not Rated
Knowledge:Not Rated
Experience:0 projects
I-924A Rating:Non-Transparent


California Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE)
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Contact Phone
(559) 452-9780
(559) 456-8338
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5286 E. Home Avenue Fresno, CA 93727


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California Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE) Map


Last Update: August 02, 2017 06:14 AM

Regional Center was viewed 4153 times (total).

California Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE)


The California Consortium officially formed in 2002 after having received its Regional Center designation by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. The preparation, however, began in 1998 when the company founder committed to understanding the CIS' Investor Visa Pilot Program and applying for Regional Center status.

Since receiving Regional Center Designation in 2002, the California Consortium project portfolio has expanded to include business opportunities in diverse industries ranging from almond and vineyard development to construction equipment manufacturing and sales. With strong ties and a long-term commitment to the project area, California's San Joaquin Valley, the California Consortium program combines a fundamental knowledge of the area with real-world business potential.

Participants in projects sponsored by the California Consortium have received I-526 petition approvals, and for those eligible, I-829 petition approvals. This represents a flawless immigration track record of 100% approvals in both categories.

The Consortium is affiliated with several successful and long-standing San Joaquin Valley companies doing business in a variety of industries including commercial and residential real estate development and agricultural fertilizer manufacturing and sales. In total, these organizations have built over 1,000 structures in the state of California and have supplied fertilizer products to some of the most prestigious farming operations in the world. They are supported by a team of professionals with disciplines ranging from law and finance to operations and management. These professionals are well-educated, conscientious people who are dedicated to personal, corporate, and community success; attributes that have helped the companies earn a reputation for quality, efficiency, and reliability.

Is the Regional Center a Public Agency, Government Entity or a Public/Private Partnership (EDC/EDA) affiliated or associated with one?

California Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE) screenshotCalifornia Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE) screenshotCalifornia Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE) screenshotCalifornia Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE) screenshotCalifornia Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE) screenshotCalifornia Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE) screenshotCalifornia Consortium for Agricultural Export (CCAE) screenshot


Regional Center ID number


Regional Center EB-5 Quick Facts

Number of Approved I-526: N/A

Number of Approved I-829: N/A

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