ARCG Nevada Regional Center Rating

Profile Completion:Not Rated
Projects Completion:Not Rated
Site Activity:Not Rated
Knowledge:Not Rated
Experience:0 projects
I-924A Rating:Non-Transparent


ARCG Nevada Regional Center
First Name
Last Name
Lopez Jordan
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1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 Miami, FL 33131


  • Nevada
  • Churchill
  • Elko
  • Esmeralda
  • Humboldt
  • Lander
  • Lyon
  • Mineral
  • Nye
  • Pershing
  • Washoe


Construction / Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction / 237130


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ARCG Nevada Regional Center  Map

1 follower

Gonzalo Lopez-Jordan

Last Update: January 02, 2020 05:02 PM

Regional Center was viewed 3489 times (total).

ARCG Nevada Regional Center


ARCG Nevada Regional Center (formerly Geothermal Regional Center) was designated as a Regional Center by USCIS in September 2011.  With wide open spaces and ample resources in solar, wind and geothermal, Nevada is a natural region for development of important renewable and sustainable energy resources.  In fact, Nevada is the leader in U.S. solar and geothermal energy production and the home to a large percent of the nation’s geothermal energy companies.

Nevada is also aggressively diversifying its economy away from its predominant tourism, gaming, real estate and retail industries to new industries such as aerospace & defense, agriculture, information technology, and manufacturing.  ARCG Nevada Regional Center provides investors the possibility to invest in these growing industries as well as Nevada’s established renewable energy industry.

American Regional Center Group LLC

Is the Regional Center a Public Agency, Government Entity or a Public/Private Partnership (EDC/EDA) affiliated or associated with one?

ARCG Nevada Regional Center  screenshotARCG Nevada Regional Center  screenshotARCG Nevada Regional Center  screenshotARCG Nevada Regional Center  screenshotARCG Nevada Regional Center  screenshotARCG Nevada Regional Center  screenshotARCG Nevada Regional Center  screenshotARCG Nevada Regional Center  screenshotARCG Nevada Regional Center  screenshot


Regional Center ID number
Prepared by
Gonzalo Lopez-Jordan


  • Construction / Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction / 237130

Regional Center EB-5 Quick Facts

Number of Approved I-526: N/A

Number of Approved I-829: N/A

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