Clearwater Beach Resort Regional Center Rating

Profile Completion:Not Rated
Projects Completion:Not Rated
Site Activity:Not Rated
Knowledge:Not Rated
Experience:0 projects
I-924A Rating:Non-Transparent


Clearwater Beach Resort Regional Center
Contact Phone
(813) 506-6120
(813) 506-6250
Contact Email


5600 Mariner Street, Suite 200, Tampa, Florida 33609


  • [All State]



Clearwater Beach Resort Regional Center Map


Last Update: August 03, 2017 12:57 AM

Regional Center was viewed 6042 times (total).

Clearwater Beach Resort Regional Center


The Clearwater Beach Resort Regional Center’s development team was formed by Dr. Kiran Patel, its principal and sponsor. Dr. Patel has employed a team of experienced, seasoned professionals to manage development of the Regional Center’s Project.

Is the Regional Center a Public Agency, Government Entity or a Public/Private Partnership (EDC/EDA) affiliated or associated with one?

Clearwater Beach Resort Regional Center screenshotClearwater Beach Resort Regional Center screenshotClearwater Beach Resort Regional Center screenshotClearwater Beach Resort Regional Center screenshotClearwater Beach Resort Regional Center screenshot


Regional Center ID number

Regional Center EB-5 Quick Facts

Number of Approved I-526: N/A

Number of Approved I-829: N/A

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