Regional Center EB-5 Investors can file their I-526E petitions! No more roadblocks!

2022/09/05 11:00am

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Regional Center EB-5 Investors can file their I-526E petitions! No more roadblocks!


Last week, on August 25, EB-5 Industry stakeholders, consisting of a few large Regional Centers and industry advocate Invest in the USA (IIUSA), entered into a joint settlement agreement with USCIS. As a result, investors can now file their I-526E petitions. Klasko Immigration Law Partners (Klasko) co-represented the coalition of Regional Centers:  EB5 CapitalCanAm EnterprisesCivitas Capital GroupGolden Gate GlobalPine State Regional Center, and IIUSA. Klasko published the settlement terms on their website as follows:


Previously Approved Regional Centers Retain Approval:

All regional centers that were designated regional centers before the passage of the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022 (RIA) remain designated regional centers. This codifies and makes permanent the nationwide preliminary injunction.

All designated regional centers must file form I-956, Application for Regional Center Designation, by December 29, 2022, if they want to continue to do business under the RIA. Previously approved regional centers can continue to proceed with filing project applications and having investors file I-526E petitions both before December 29 and while the I-956 application is pending.

On Friday, September 2, USCIS published in the Federal Register Form #I956K, Registration for Direct and Third-Party Promoters. They will accept comments for 60 days until November 1, 2022.