Located in the central part of the Chinese community, the Law Offices of Steve Qi & Associates is one of the most prominent and well-known law firms in Southern California. Through its principal Mr. Steve Qi, the firm has established an acclaimed reputation for its diverse, but specially-tailored legal services. Of the many, our firm’s practice areas include civil and business litigation, employment law, family law, and immigration. The experience, background, and training of our firm’s support staff – associates, law clerks, and paralegals – add to the dynamics of our legal team, and enhance our ability to achieve high standards without compromising our clients’ needs. Our firm understands the complexity and uniqueness of each case, ensuring that our clients receive the appropriate legal service, advice, and attention that it deserves.
博雄聮合律师事务所位于南加州的华人社区,我们致力在各法律领域上服务这社区,包括移民、商业及贸易、家庭、民事诉讼和刑事辩护。我们的法律精英在各领域上均拥有高水平的専业知识,并致力为客户提供最优质的服务。 博雄聮合律师事务所是南加州华人社区中最著名的律师行之一,这有赖于律师行的创办人--戚博雄律师。戚律师已在该社区服务超过十年,他的客户来自社会不同的阶层。