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Francois-Xavier Terny
In New York City, FXE Industries is designing, engineering, and manufacturing a new brand of Premium Motorcycles with a novel take on design, manufacturing, sales and marketing.
We have completed the design and engineering of our first motorcycle and now are testing our running prototype.
We look forward to revealing our brand in December 2016 at the NY Motorcycle Show!
Francois-Xavier Terny began his professional career in 1991 with Bain & Company, then created his own consulting firm, Masaï, in 1996 as a firm specializing in industrial cost optimization. In 2006, having reached $25m with 100 professionals in 12 offices in Europe, US, Japan, China and India, he accepted a competitor’s offer. Since then, he has been a Board advisor, General Manager and Investor to various companies. He worked in Private Equity, managing of a newly established family office in NYC before co-founding FXE Industries mid-2013.
Francois-Xavier Terny Photo
Francois-Xavier Terny

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