John DiGuiseppe


John DiGuiseppeis Vice President of New Markets Business Development for AGRC with responsibilities for developing new business strategies in the Financial and Health Care markets. Mr. DiGuiseppe will oversee the day-to-day responsibilities of the CDFI and CDE programs within AGRC and coordinate the program’s regulation and financial compliance. Mr. DiGuiseppe together with Mr. Turco and Ms. Cheng comprise the lending committee for all CDFI and CDE loans.

Mr. DiGuiseppe is also an officer and partner of AGRC affiliate, Gateway Capital Partners, LLC. Participated in the CDFI Fund Capacity Building Initiative, Foundations in Financing Community Health Centers seminar on January 23-24 at the Federal Reserve building in San Francisco.John DiGuiseppeis Vice President of New Markets Business Development for AGRC with responsibilities for developing new business strategies in the Financial and Health Care markets.

Mr. DiGuiseppe will oversee the day-to-day responsibilities of the CDFI and CDE programs within AGRC and coordinate the program’s regulation and financial compliance. Mr. DiGuiseppe together with Mr. Turco and Ms. Cheng comprise the lending committee for all CDFI and CDE loans. Mr. DiGuiseppe is also an officer and partner of AGRC affiliate, Gateway Capital Partners, LLC. Participated in the CDFI Fund Capacity Building Initiative, Foundations in Financing Community Health Centers seminar on January 23-24 at the Federal Reserve building in San Francisco.