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Joyce Moy
Senior Consultant


90 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY, 10016
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Tax & Estate Attorney



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Last Update: April 25, 2016 05:46 AM
Last Login: September 07, 2015 09:20 AM

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Joyce Moy

Joyce Moy


Joyce Moy has extensive experience in community and economic development and develops strategies and builds capacity for organizational development and growth. She is the executive director of the Asian American/Asian Research Institute at the City University of New York (CUNY), where she focuses on entrepreneurship and economic development. She teaches in the financial studies program and has taught small business management and entrepreneurship at CUNY. She has served as Director of a New York State Small Business Development Center (SBDC), and as Director of Economic Development with oversight of a Procurement Technical Assistance Center, SBDC and corporate training programs. She is a former practicing attorney. She developed a curriculum on Personal and Consumer Finance which has been adopted as a national model by Cities for Financial Empowerment for training financial counselors serving the poor and working poor. She received her BA from SUNY Stony Brook and her JD from Hofstra University School of Law.


Her area of expertise is entrepreneurship and economic development. She has taught business law and taxation at Queens College, the CUNY School of Law, and at Cornell University School of Law. She is a former practicing attorney with over 15 years experience in corporate law, franchising, taxation and commercial areas. She recently served on the NYS Governor's Taskforce on Small Business and currently co-chairs the NYC Comptroller's Taskforce on Community Benefit Agreements.

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