Fang Deng Rating

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Fang Deng
American United Investment Corp


150-10451 Shellbridge Way, Richmond, British Columbia, V6X 2W8, Canada
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Agent / Finder
EB-5 Consultant


Chinese (Mandarin)

Fang Deng Map


Last Update: April 27, 2016 03:54 AM
Last Login: June 22, 2015 08:22 PM

User was viewed 2401 times (total).

Fang Deng


Overall responsibility of marketing and sales process and management , partner development and maintain and strategic project planning with regarding to the fund-raising and financing.

Proven leadership in the following areas:
•    Strategy, Planning and Management and Financial Responsibility (CAPEX, EBITA and P/L), 
•    Operation and Process Management, Organizational Management and Business Administration
•    Sales and Business Development and Marketing Management
•    Performance Management (People Management) 
•    Cost Optimization 
•    Global Business Experience. 
•    IPO Process.

In various industries, petrochemical, lube and oil, paper (newsprint) making, service and training (management certification) and agricultural chemicals.

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