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William Terry


140 Creekmont Ct, Newark, DE, 19702
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skype: terryhome211

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Last Update: December 19, 2017 02:11 AM
Last Login: December 19, 2017 01:56 AM

User was viewed 1222 times (total).

William Terry

William Terry


Terry J Incorporated


Terry J Inc. will primarily market its services in the greater Newark area and surrounding states with a niche marketing approach to target and attract customers and artists of all ages and genres. High-visibility promotional events will draw favorable publicity, and develop name recognition within the region. The Terry J Inc. team will also focus on capitalizing on extensive list of industry resources, contacts, and influential associates developed throughout the owner’s years in the industry. The Company will also drive awareness by using traditional marketing channels such as radio and TV advertising. In true Terry J Inc. style, conventional and traditional avenues of promotion are made obsolete by the addition of a new sector of the Terry Group that merges Club V advertisement and promotion into its own profit-making entity. For the first two to three years of operation, the Company will be launching its promotional bus tour, which will circumnavigate 24 cities on the East Coast, hosting V sponsored parties. These street events will feature new talent as well as the Vortex's own MC's and professional models and dancers known as the V Girls. The purpose of these shows is to advertise the Vortex nightclub and create revenue by hosting these outdoor stage spectaculars. The tour bus team will essentially create an outdoor dance party with a fashion show, bringing all forms of entertainment and art to the public. After the two-three year tour is completed, the talent and employees of the tour bus team venture will be assimilated into positions working for The Vortex Nightclub as well as the Vortex Magazine. At this time, the Vortex nightclub and online magazine will have enough exposure to bring in big name draws to the club and to focus on signing new talent to the Terry J. Inc. label. Any talent that signs with the group commits to allocating ten percent of their profits directly back to the Group in exchange for booking, exposure, and future performance tours. The Group discovers, cultivates, and leases out new talent for the entertainment industry. The Company also sees the need for other creative approaches to marketing to its customers. For marketers, the currently economic climate is creating a need to both cut costs and reach consumers in more ways than ever. Creative marketing initiatives are not only cost-effective but they also can result in new revenue streams.



Terry J Inc. is led by its founder and namesake, William J. Terry, a veteran of the entertainment industry. Mr. Terry brings with him with a unique blend of skill sets and several years of experience in different facets of the industry – ensuring that this diverse venture will be a success. He is well-experienced in marketing different music genres, and establishing solid client relations and public relations. Through over 20 years in the entertainment industry, he has developed an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the industry and its market dynamics. Mr. Terry is dedicated to ensuring the long term success and sustainable profitability of the Company by providing astute financial oversight and employing solid business practices.


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